Lura sh.p.k. company continues the successful stories in the construction sector for decades and moves towards a bright future by serving customers and putting at the center of every project the partnership with associates and customers. Examples are our success are our ambitious projects like Lura 1,2,3 and soon Petrela Residence and Lura 5 Tourist Resort.
Through a dedicated team, with continuous experience and passion to design, we offer quality projects. We appreciate the emotions of every client who chooses to fulfill their dreams with us. We have no substitutes because we think differently. We have time on our side, values in mind and you in the most magical moments of creativity.
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– 2019 Archie Expo
– Goldman Gallery
– Vista Tomorrow ‘09
– 2017 Modern Daily
– 10th Annual Regarda
– Hamilton Showcase
– Imminent Plaza
– 2nd place, Tokyo
– 1st jury prize, NYCA
– 2018 Riviera Aw.
– NYC’s Most Wanted
– Fresh Faces, Ammi